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Jaya Haircare @ The TinSnip Hairoom
All pictures are our own creations because we love what we do!
Keeping it interesting & cool 😎 😊
This lovely one is a TinSnip Hairoom goer, we can't show her face coz she sooooo awesome!
A bit of razzle, dazzle & sparkle never hurt anyone ✨😎 😊
Keeping it interesting & cool 😎 😊 #jessafied
Waves & a cheeky fringe for this lovely 😊
Peek a boooooo! Sweet cheeky V shaped fringe for this lovely 😊
Just playin around with some props, plaits & red heads 🙆🏽
Ready to go & dance 💃
Pusspuri chilling!
an awesome life I have. It feels like Dr Who's Tardis every time I walk in,
I couldn't resist sharing this!
Just took the time to have a hair wash by my trusty male apprentice hair washer 😳 & realised how aw
My happy 😊 hair 🙆🏽 place ✂️
Love this colour combo created with Original Mineral Colour System
_womadelaide hair do
Some recent hair thingy's
No filter! Freaking amazing colour
Nice warm blonde from originalmineral
I'm seeing double!
What to do when there is just soooooooo much hair‼️‼️
Feathery kinda day 👍🏽
I feel like funking it up!
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